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Any Given Day bids you all farewell...

Sadly, after over four long and hardworking years, Any Given Day has decided to end its life in the NEPA scene. We all will soon be heading off to colleges, new jobs, the army, and basically to lead new lives in general over the next year. Keeping the band together, unfortunetly, is not on the agenda, if even a possibility. We can't even begin to thank all the people that have kept us alive for the years we were a band. But thanks to those who have been, are, and always will be a fan and friend of Any Given Day.

Unsigned Local Bands!
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We joined this webring thing for local (not PA local but unknown in general) bands trying to get known like us so I don't know where you will end up but its at one of these sites on the webring with us.
This many people have visited
since August 13, 2002:


So where are they now?

Although they may not have made VH1, this is how it might have went...

Mike is working with some kids in a new band that remains nameless.

Wookiee is currently working on a band with Mike, but come late August he will be moving to Scranton, PA to attend Marywood University.

Anthony hopped onto the Mike and Wookiee project and is trying to drop out of the army.

And that's it for this segment of Where Are They Now? Hawley, PA.

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